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HyperMaker HTML 2001 - Improvements & Changes

Version & Date Details
March 04, 2001
  • Restorefont macro was fixed.
  • The About page generated by the Form wizard was improved so it can work properly if opened into the publication instead into the About window.
  • Some drawing problems with the background image were fixed.
Feb. 17, 2001
Publication (aka eBook) interface and functionality
  • Form data is now saved in History and restored when the page is viewed again.
  • Stylesheet border support added for table cells.
  • BorderColorLight and BorderColorDark attributes added to TABLE.
  • Tab characters weren't handled in stylesheet files.
  • Fix various problems with fonts and anchor tags.
  • Blank lines weren't diplayed in <pre>.
  • Improved printing of transparent images.
  • Fix align=right problem in table cells.
  • Fix problem where absolute positioned items jumped to left when window width reduced.
  • Some transparent animated GIFs did not display correctly in tables.
  • Allow greated freedom in locating META and STYLE tags (now can work outside HEAD).
  • The About window now includes a standard close button in the title bar.


  • The help pane can be shown or hidden just clicking the ? button at the bottom righ
Feb. 09, 2001
  • BASE and BGSOUND tags now can work although placed outside the HEAD section (which is really the proper place for them...).
  • New feature for making back-up copies of publications is working correctly now.
  • If both the Find button and the Copy text option are disabled, the whole Edit button is not shown.
Jan. 30, 2001

Registration and locking pages

  • More flexible registration keys with expiration date.
  • Free Perl script to generate registration keys online (only for registered users).
  • Refund capability that cancels registration keys and shows a refund number.
  • New options for generating registration keys linked to the hard disk serial number, the volume number, or a combination of both them.
  • New additional program for generating registration keys for both HyperMaker 2000 and 2001 publications (only for registered users).
  • The database of users information can be exported in HTML format.
  • New option for generating the registration keys using your own customized page, instead the Registration window.
  • Publications can be configured to expire after a specific number of days after running for the first time.

Publication (aka eBook) interface and functionality

  • If the publication has no frames, it can remember the last page viewed, to open the same page again, the next time it runs (the option is set in Options tab).
  • The new viewer is still compliant with older publications –compiled with v2000– but any publication compiled with v2001 uses different registration keys.
  • If a small bitmap is defined for the toolbar it is automatically tiled.
  • Font name and size are saved so that publications will always open with the last settings.
  • Printing function in framed documents always prints the mainframe specified in Interface windows. If you want to print always the selected frame, select Not print mainframe in Print tab.
  • Form content can be saved outside the publication and recalled again using two new macros This is useful to fill out large forms in several steps.
  • New restorefont macro for restoring the font size and typeface to the original settings.
  • New print= macro to print many pages at once, allows to print all pages listed in a text file.
  • Improved Printing Status window, that allows to cancel print jobs.
  • New Back and Forward pop-up menu (right-click to show it).
  • Cascading Style Sheet support.
  • Boolean search capacity.


  • Any executable publication can be personalized with using any 32x32 pixels and 16 colors icon file (.ICO).
  • Keyword generation can be turned on or off.
  • Flash, Video and Acrobat links are automatically adapted to the supported (non-standard) format.
  • The help system is fully integrated with Publication window.
  • The Registration button can be excluded from the toolbar.
  • The name of the last file compiled file is stored into each publication, so it is automatically filled when it is compiled again.
  • Selectable pop-up width and delay.
  • Width or height of publication window can be defined as a percent (e.g. 80%).
  • More options to define your own buttons on the toolbar panel.
  • Fixed size window option, to avoid resizing of the publication.
  • New Page Wizard, to create basic page models.
  • New Font Wizard, for managing the publication's fonts.
  • New options for modifying the toolbar buttons.