HyperMaker HTML 2001.03 |
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<BGSOUND> SRC=wav, mp3 or midi file LOOP=-1 | -2 | n
-1 will replay the sound while the page is loaded.
-2 will replay the sound until another sound is called.
n will replay the sound n times
Otherwise the sound will be played one time.
The sound toolbar will not be shown.
The AVI file will be played and dimensioned. Example:
This file will be played in a window of 400x500 pixels (centered in screen), and will be closed automatically when the AVI ends. The parameters can be separated only with spaces.
tag allows to play an AVI file sinto a page.
<A HREF= *.exe|*.bat [Parameter]>...</A>
The program will be executed. Parameter is a file that will be opened.
<A HREF= *.hlp>...</A>
The help file will be opened.
<A HREF= *.mid|*.wav|*.mp3>...</A>
The sound will be played. To control sound playing, the Target parameter can be used.
<A HREF= *.pop>...</A>
The message included before the .POP extension will be displayed in a pop-up Windows. The maximum length is 255 characters. The '%' character isn't supported. The pop-up background color can be set in the Interface tab in Publication window.
<A HREF= *.tel>...</A>
The telephone number included before the .TEL extension will be dialed. The last number of the telephone number may be the comm port. Example
This will dial the 543-0008 number using COM2.
Shockwave Flash (.
), Acrobat (.AVI
) and MPEG Videos (.MPG
) documents can be included into the page or in a frameset, using this tag.
This is an anchor or an image element pointing to multiple pages or images, that are randomly choosen.
<IMG SRC=im1.gif,img2,im3.gif>or
<A HREF=aa.htm,bb.htm,cc.htm,dd.htm,ee.htm>In both cases, each time the link is clicked or the image is loaded, one of the files will be randomly choosen and displayed.
tag causes printing to end on the current page and a new page started. It has no effect on the displayed document.
This pseudo tag is used to insert a file, the current date, time, registration or refund information, I.D. or a key on a (HTML) page.
<!--#Include FILE="myfile.html"-->
Each tag would insert the appropriate content (I.D. key, Publication Title (PT), Registration information (Regis), Time, Date or File) into the current HTML document, at the insertion point. The text can also be inserted in a Form Text box.
Regis use: if the publication is unlocked regis will display "Unlocked publication".
If the publication is registered it will display "This publication is registered to" + the user name.
If the publication is locked and unregistered it will display "Unregistered publication" (language string 38).Refund use: it will display the refund code after doing a refund. If the page is accessed without doing a refund, it will not display anything.
The refresh property can load a page or an AVi file after a specified number of seconds.
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="3,intro.htm">
Macros can also be played with the REFRESH tag, as:
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="3,close">
This META Refresh tag will close the publication.
The SCREEN property is what allows you to modify the HyperMaker Viewer display in width and height. Example:
<META http-equiv="screen" content="600,300">
<BGSOUND> SRC=wav or midi file LOOP=INFINITE (only for wav files) <BODY>...</BODY> BACKGROUND=bitmap TEXT=color BGCOLOR=color LINK=color VLINK=color OLINK=color MARGINWIDTH=n MARGINHEIGHT=n
<B>...</B> <I>...</I> <U>...</U> <TT>...</TT> <S>...</S> <FONT>...</FONT> SIZE=n (n=1..7) or SIZE=+-n (incremental change) COLOR=color FACE=facename <SUB>...</SUB> <SUP>...</SUP> <BIG>...</BIG> <SMALL>...</SMALL> <STRIKE>...</STRIKE> <>...</>
<EM>...</EM> <STRONG>...</STRONG> <CITE>...</CITE> <VAR>...</VAR> <CODE>...</CODE> <KBD>...</KBD> <SAMP>...</SAMP>
<P>...(</P>) ALIGN=left|center|right <ADDRESS>...</ADDRESS> <BLOCKQUOTE>...</BLOCKQUOTE> <PRE>...</PRE> <CENTER>...</CENTER> <DIV>...</DIV> ALIGN=left|center|right
<OL>...</OL> START=value TYPE=1|a|A|i|I <UL>...</UL> PLAIN <DIR>...</DIR> <MENU>...</MENU> <LI>...(</LI>)
<DL>...</DL> <DD>...</DD> <DT>...</DT>
<TABLE>...<TABLE> BORDER or BORDER=0 ALIGN=left|center|right CELLSPACING=value CELLPADDING=value WIDTH=n|n% BGCOLOR=color BORDERCOLOR=color BORDERCOLORLIGHT=color BORDERCOLORDARK=color HSPACE=n VSPACE=n <CAPTION>...</CAPTION> ALIGN=top|bottom <TR>...</TR> VALIGN=top|center|bottom ALIGN=left|center|right BGCOLOR=color <TH>...</TH>, <TD>...</TD> ROWSPAN=n COLSPAN=n WIDTH=n|n% HEIGHT=n VALIGN=top|center|bottom ALIGN=left|center|right BGCOLOR=color
<FORM>...</FORM> METHOD=post|get ACTION=url <INPUT>...</INPUT> TYPE=text|password|submit|reset|radio|checkbox|hidden| NAME=string VALUE=string SIZE=chars (text, password) MAXLENGTH=chars (text, password) CHECKED (radio, checkbox) <SELECT>...</SELECT> NAME=string MULTIPLE SIZE=lines <OPTION>...(</OPTION>) SELECTED VALUE=string <TEXTAREA>...</TEXTAREA> NAME=string ROWS=n COLS=n <OPTION>...</OPTION>
HyperMaker Viewer prints the page when the form is placed at submitted time.
<BR> CLEAR=left|right <WBR> <IMG> SRC=image ALT=string ALIGN=top|middle|bottom|left|right BORDER=0 WIDTH=n,n% HEIGHT=n IMAGEMAP USEMAP=url (local URL only) HSPACE=n VSPACE=n ACTIVE
<Hn>...</Hn> n = 1..6 ALIGN=left|center|right <HR> SIZE=n WIDTH=n|n% COLOR=color <BASEFONT> SIZE=n (n=1..7) or SIZE=+-n (incremental change)
<FRAMESET>...</FRAMESET> ROWS|COLS=n1, n2, .., nn (absolute, %, or *) BORDER=n (Main FRAMESET only) FRAMEBORDER=n (Main FRAMESET only) <FRAME> SRC=filename NAME=windowname SCROLLING=yes|no|auto NORESIZE MARGINHEIGHT=n MARGINWIDTH=n <NOFRAMES>...</NOFRAMES>
Information on the special HTML Frame syntax can be found at:
Color information may consist of a hexadecimal red, green, and blue value such as FF8000 or be one of the following identifiers:
Black, Maroon, Green, Olive, Navy, Purple, Teal, Gray, Silver, Red, Lime, Yellow, Blue, Fuchsia, Aqua, white, Aliceblue, Antiquewhite, Aquamarine, Azure, Beige, Bisque, Blanchedalmond, Blueviolet, Brown, Burlywood, Cadetblue, Chartreuse, Chocolate, Coral, Cornflowerblue, Cornsilk, Crimson, Cyan, Darkblue, Darkcyan, Darkgoldenrod, Darkgray, Darkgreen, Darkkhaki, Darkmagenta, Darkolivegreen, Darkorange, Darkorchid, Darkred, Darksalmon, Darkseagreen, Darkslateblue, Darkslategray, Darkturquoise, Darkviolet, Deeppink, Deepskyblue, Dimgray, Dodgerblue, Firebrick, Floralwhite, Forestgreen, Gainsboro, Ghostwhite, Gold, Goldenrod, Greenyellow, Honeydew, Hotpink, Indianred, Indigo, Ivory, Khaki, Lavender, Lavenderblush, Lawngreen, Lemonchiffon, Lightblue, Lightcoral, Lightcyan, Lightgoldenrodyellow, Lightgreen, Lightgrey, Lightpink, Lightsalmon, Lightseagreen, Lightskyblue, Lightslategray, Lightsteelblue, Lightyellow, Limegreen, Linen, Magenta, Mediumaquamarine, Mediumblue, Mediumorchid, Mediumpurple, Mediumseagreen, Mediumslateblue, Mediumspringgreen, Mediumturquoise, Mediumvioletred, Midnightblue, Mintcream, Mistyrose, Moccasin, Navajowhite, Oldlace, Olivedrab, Orange, Orangered, Orchid, Palegoldenrod, Palegreen, Paleturquoise, Palevioletred, Papayawhip, Peachpuff, Peru, Pink, Plum, Powderblue, Rosybrown, Royalblue, Saddlebrown, Salmon, Sandybrown, Seagreen, Seashell, Sienna, Skyblue, Slateblue, Slategray, Snow, Springgreen, Steelblue, Tan, Thistle, Tomato, Turquoise, Violet, Wheat, Whitesmoke, Yellowgreen
With online web sites, you can write Web applications which process form input and produce result pages which are then sent back to the browser. This is usually done using "Common Gateway Interface" (CGI) calls. Local CGI gives HMViewer the same capability, except that the crafting of Local CGI applications is usually much easier than the online variety!
Just as with regular CGI, a Local CGI call is defined using the <FORM> tag's Method and Action attributes, e.g.
<form Action="notepad.exe" Method="output.htm">
The above statement tells HMViewer that when the submit button on the form is pressed, it should:
You can also use the HREF tag for a Local CGI call:
<A HREF="myprog.exe CGI=output.htm ITEM1=ALFA ITEM2=BETA">Submit CGI</A>
This will generate a file with this two lines:
EXE files referenced in Action statements (and also in direct HREF links) are assumed to be:
Form data is located in the Windows temporary directory and automatically erased once the CGI call is finished.
Once you know how to call your Local CGI program, you need only write the code to process the form data file. Then if necessary, have the program generate an HTML response page and open it in the HMViewer.
Using the macro commands of Hyper Maker you can realize usual tasks as shown below.
You can create links using this set of macro commands:
* Usually, the buttons that call the macros are located in a toolbar frame of your publication. In this situation, you need to specify which frame you want to print or use to display the search results, by filling in the appropriate Main Frame field, in the Interface page of the Publication Window.