THE DIGITAL WORLD AND THE ONGOING DEVELOPMENT OF ISBN A Position Paper Developed by the US ISBN Agency RR Bowker, New Providence, New Jersey, USA Since the last meeting of the International Advisory Panel of ISBN Agencies (October 1999), the US ISBN Agency has sought the advice of industry experts in identifying and proposing ways of dealing with issues facing ISBN in the digital world. The following represents a discussion of our work to date. This document has been provided to ) for consideration by the International Advisory Panel, as well as to the international network of ISBN registration agencies ISO Technical Committee 46, Subcommittee 9 (ISO/TC46/SC9: The National Information Standards Organization (NISO: Industry Study Group (BISG: Industry Communication (BIC: will keep our constituency in the United States informed of these developments. We welcome your input on the further development of these ideas. We would also like to be advised if we have neglected to identify and address any other relevant points. This document will be discussed at the next meeting of the ISBN Panel (October 2000), after which ISBN International will begin to work with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on an update to the ISBN standard. (See section VIII of this document.)
(I) ISBN PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTED & SOLD AS DIGITAL FILES The definition of new edition is normally based on one of two criteria:
The basic guidelines for assigning ISBNs to digital files have been established:
To date the US ISBN Agency has identified the following information regarding digital editions that should receive ISBNs when they contain text-based monograph publications: FORMAT EVB = EveryBook LBS = Librius MLL = Millennium PPT = PalmPilot RKT = Rocket eBook SBK = SoftBook GLS = Glassbook TXT = ASCII Text HTM = HTML WPD = Word Perfect WRD = MS Word PDF = Portable Document Format RTF = Rich Text Format OEB = Open EBook MSR = Microsoft Reader MP3 = MP3 spoken word files WAV = Wave (audio) files ION = ION Systems Reader Please note: FILE SIZE In KB WORD COUNT In real numbers
(II) METADATA The forms that Bowker uses for collecting information about ISBN products include profiles of the metadata needed by the customers for these products. Certain categories of metadata are always relevant: the title of the product is needed whether the book is printed or on audiotape. But the number of pages is relevant only to the printed version, while running time is relevant to the audio version. The International ISBN Agency is currently establishing the core metadata needed for both print on paper and digital ISBN products in conjunction with EDItEUR International ( AUTHORITY TO ASSIGN ISBNs The publisher, not the distributor of the files or any other entity in the supply chain, is responsible for the management of the ISBN assignment process. It should be noted that when a distributor acquires the appropriate rights it becomes a publisher. (IV) THE EVOLVING CONCEPT OF PUBLISHER The growth of publishing on the Internet has resulted in an explosion of small publishing enterprises that publish a limited number of monographs online. The US ISBN Agency would like to encourage this development, and a policy is evolving that will provide ISBNs to small publishers (of both print on paper and digital monographs) on a cost effective basis to facilitate their entry into the ISBN system. (V) PRINT ON DEMAND PUBLICATIONS A special instance of digital files includes those used for On Demand publishing.
Of the above, categories "1" and "2" should be given a new ISBN. This ISBN should be applied by the rights holder of the On Demand edition, who may or may not be the original publisher. It is recommended that EDItEUR devise a subset of On Demand metadata as part of the core ISBN activity currently underway. (VI) THE USE OF ISBNs TO IDENTIFY PARTS OF MONOGRAPHS AND ONGOING PUBLICATIONS Given the proliferation of the sale and distribution of discrete parts of monographic publications (chapters, etc.), the US ISBN Agency recommends the amendment of the ISBN standard to allow for the assignment of ISBNs to these subsets when they are put into the supply chain by their publishers. Note: We do not see any conflict between the use of the ISBN (ISO 2108) as the assigned identifier for monographic publications that have entered the supply chain independent of their original appearance as parts of larger works and the NISO standard: Book Item and Content Identifier (BICI--which identifies parts of monographs that are not independent of their original package.) For further information on the BICI, please see
(VII) THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD TEXTUAL WORK CODE Over the past few years the music and movie industries have been engaged in developing identifiers for works. These codes have potential uses both in rights management processes and in e-commerce. It has been deemed necessary to establish a similar kind of work code for text creations, as well. This code is being developed by the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 46/Subcommittee 9 (ISO tc46/sc9.) The US Agency will keep its constituency informed of the progress of this activity.
(VIII) EXPANSION OF ISBN TO THIRTEEN DIGITS: PROPOSAL FROM BASIC For many years publishers have created Bookland EAN bar codes for their products. These codes are created by adding the prefix "978" to the beginning of the ISBN and updating the check digit. The 978 prefix is one of two prefixes allowed for use in the international book-publishing sector by contract with EAN International Brussels ( and the Uniform Code Council, Lawrenceville, New Jersey ( (The other prefix, 979, has been used to date only for published sheet music.)For the past two meetings of the International Advisory Panels of ISBN Agencies (1998 and 1999), there has been a discussion of utilizing this bar code scheme as the basis for expanding the ISBN to thirteen digits. The Managing Agent of Book And Serial Industry Communications (BASIC), the New York based publishing industry standards organization has led this discussion, at the invitation of the Director of the International ISBN Agency. The essence of the proposed scheme is that all ISBNs currently in circulation, and all those issued until the supply of ten digit ISBNs runs out, will be considered "978" ISBNs. Then we will begin to reissue the same ISBNs, but with the prefix "979", thus insuring their uniqueness. There are several reasons that argue in favor of this development:
It has been proposed that we do away with both the country/regional identifier and the publisher identifier, turning the ISBN into a completely "dumb" number. This change would also greatly increase the number of ISBNs available for product numbering. This change will lead to problems in managing ranges of ISBNs given to publishers unless a management scheme based on logical divisions is set up. The US Agency (see proposal below) is in the process of setting up such a scheme. The following timetable has been proposed for the development of the thirteen digit ISBN October 1999-April 2001: Consideration of the proposal by the International Advisory Panel and by
It should be noted that the Uniform Code Council is following this same timetable for requiring that everyone in the North American supply chain be able to accommodate at least a thirteen-digit item identifier in his or her computer systems.
(X) ACTIONABILITY/ RESOLVABILITY Identifiers such as ISBNs and ISTCs become actionable when utilized in the context of resolver systems such as the Handle System and Open Names Services. The US ISBN Agency is committed to insuring that the identifiers under its stewardship remain compatible with such systems. CONCLUSION It is the US Agency's hope that this paper leads to a discussion that in the end creates a more durable ISBN for the future. Please feel free to comment .
Thank You. The US ISBN Agency 15 August 2000